WABC: The Last Kiss

Posted: January 6, 2013 in 1


Director Ron Howard's latest film project has a Brooklyn man scrambling to find 4 people he took a picture of on August 16th  The hunt is as wild as a movie script itself.   I interviewed the local photographer who's in a frenzy to search for people photographed in "The Last Kiss."

A pic may be worth a thousand words but This one could be a Hollywood movie.  


 Mo Gebler / Brooklyn Photographer

This candid Bonnie and Clyde could make one man a winner in a national photo contest. Out of work Brooklyn photog Mo Gelber is now Desperately tracking down his subjects. Gelber has less than 24 hours.  The officers Have agreed to sign. He's lookin for 28 Alexis creque and 26 years old Russell Murphy who have not been found.  In fact, the man is still in jail. 

The crime of the lovebirds? They are accused of graffiti here on Eldridge Street. The young man allegedly tagged the well known line CASH4.  Gebler says when he asked the handcuffed kissers their crime, the man replied "I was writing on other people's stuff." 

Gebler says he thinks the offense is no crime at all, but he's willing to go to Rykers to get the release signed! If Gebler  can't get signatures hell be disqualified. But he has a constellation in mind.  He's out of work, now that his photo has gone viral… he's hoping it will spark a job offer! 

He say the secret to getting a great candid is anticipation. Gebler says he was at Central Booking on another shoot when he looked up and say the handcuffed couple about to engage before being taken away, he says "it was their last kiss before being separated for who knows how long."

Update:  Mo Gebler was able to enter the contest called “Project Imaginat10n,” a collaboration between director Ron Howard and Canon Camera Company. Gebler says they called him a few days ago and said that a group of judges picked my photo along with nine or ten others as potential finalists.  He was able to secure all 4 signatures!   Oh!  and Mo got his first Profesional gig with the Daily News.  Congrats!  LOOK HERE  He wrote on his FB page the story of how it happened following his viral outbreak of "The Last Kiss." ((I got a call from Simone Weichselbaum , a reporter from the daily news.They were looking at my facebook page and saw some photos of interesting people and places in Brooklyn. They wanted to run some of the

photos and asked me to come in to their office with my laptop to give them the photos. When I walked in , I had a camera hanging off my neck.They asked me why ,and I said 'the camera does me no good in the bag, I always have to be ready.'  After I gave her the photos , she wanted me to meet the editor.While we were talking, the editor was interrupted a few times by phone calls and was trying to find a staff photographer to go with Simone on a local story.After a few phone calls, nobody was available and all eyes in the room looked at me and my camera. They asked me if I would do it. I said hell yeah ! … My first assignment for the Daily News. I hope it leads to many more.))

Check out Mo's work on line…

Excerpt from "Good Culture" with Yasha Wallin:  "When Mo Gelber, an aspiring photojournalist, found himself in the right place at the right time—New York Central Booking—he captured the last moments between two lovers before being separated and charged with graffiti-related violations. With his shot Gelber entered a contest, which would turn a winning image into a film. But when Gelber realized he needed consent from the unknown couple, he spent a frenzied attempt via Facebook to find them. The story caught the media’s attention, yet no one seemed to get the facts right. Saturday was the deadline to get the couple’s sign off, and yesterday, as the winners of the contest were be made public, Gelber let us in on what really happened with the "last kiss." "



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